Skin and hormones: How to tailor your skincare routine to your cycle

by Felicia El Hajj

The menstrual cycle is a natural process that has different stages driven by Hormonal fluctuations which as a result affects the body in multiple ways, including changes to the skin from breakouts to dryness and sensitivity. However, with the right skincare routine, it's possible to minimize these effects and keep your complexion looking its best throughout the month!


Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

Before delving into skincare tips, it's helpful to understand the basics of the menstrual cycle. The cycle typically lasts around 28 days, although it can vary from person to person. It is divided into four phases:

  • Week 1: Menstrual Phase
  • Week 2: Follicular Phase
  • Week 3: Ovulation Phase
  • Week 4: Luteal Phase


Week 1 Menstrual phase (Period)
This phase is the Dry Phase which indicates the cycle’s Winter Season

Low estrogen, low progesterone and greater prostaglandins; this leads to a dry, pale, and sensitive skin to combat these effects consider the below tips:

  • Be gentle on your skin by using nourishing and soothing Skin Care Products.
  • Avoid exfoliation because skin’s barrier is low
  • Try to avoid any painful procedures during this week as your pain threshold may be a little lower.

We recommend employing mild, non-irritant products throughout this stage of the cycle because the skin is more sensitive and irritated. Thermal water, aloe vera, calendula, centella asiatica, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, peptides and ceramides are the ingredients that are soft and comforting to the skin.

Week 2 – Follicular Phase
This is the improving phase which indicates the Spring Season

Estrogen is rising dramatically during this phase in order to thicken the uterus, resulting in increased collagen synthesis, which can help maintain the skin tight and elastic

  • Best time to experiment new products because your skin is at its finest.
  • Include exfoliation and retinol into your regimen to keep pores clear of build-up.
  • Perfect timing for brightening and resurfacing procedures (such as skin peels, lasers, and micro needling).

Because the skin is normally more moisturized and glowy at this stage of the cycle, we recommend prioritizing sun protection (SPF) as well as active ingredients such as vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), or retinoids to improve the natural condition.


Week 3 – Ovulation Phase
This is the Glowing Phase which indicates Summer Season

  • Concentrate on collagen-boosting skin products, habits, and treatments.
  • Apply lighter moisturizers.
  • Resurfacing procedures (such as skin peels and lasers) should be avoided at this period due to the increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. A higher estrogen level boosts melanin synthesis.


Week 4 – Luteal Phase
This is the oily phase which indicates Autumn Season

Progesterone levels rise during this time, which causes oiliness. This might make your hair feel oily and create additional outbreaks. It also makes your skin more sensitive than usual.

To deep clean pores before oil production peaks during the Luteal Phase, use products that control excess sebum production and schedule a facial to keep the skin as clear as possible on the days leading up to your period



The menstrual cycle can have a significant impact on the skin, but with the right skincare routine, it's possible to minimize these effects and keep your complexion looking its best. Regular cleansing, gentle exfoliation, moisturizing, targeted treatment for breakouts, and sun protection are all essential components of a skincare routine that supports healthy, glowing skin throughout the month.

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